Magical, mystical Rajasthan is an absolute must-visit destination for the intrepid global traveler. Its distinguished imperial history, a regal landscape dotted...
Ekaterina Lyapustina is the CEO and Founder of JetNest, a program designed to bring adventurous entrepreneurs of multiple industries together for trips to f...
Located in the heart of South Mumbai or "Town," the Ambassador Hotel (link) stands graciously, rich with history in its stature. Constructed in the 1940s, it ho...
Your wedding is one of the most important events of your life. Having a wonderful marriage includes the onset of the perfect setup from the very beginning. Everything should be perfect, especially the locale. A recent trend shows that many weddings are being held in exotic locations. People find it confusing to choose a separate location, different types of decoration and browse through several catering catalogs; while a destination wedding diminishes all of these hassles as it comes packed with everything.