Spring is the time to see off “Old Man Winter” and welcome the season of bright colors and blooming buds. It’s also time to get your kids outside and playing in the bright sunshine once again. With that in mind, here are some spring outdoor activities for your little ones who are surely hankering for more outside fun.

Hit The Puddles
Top spring outdoor activities for kids include good old playing in the rain. After pulling on rain gear, the youngsters can compete to see who can make the biggest splash. They can also make a bit of mud and play around in it or sing a song and bust a move!

The kids can also collect rain in various vessels and listen to how raindrops sound as they hit a glass, metal, and plastic container. In addition, children can float a boat made from recycled items, paper or twigs and leaves.

Get In The Wind
You can help kiddos learn all about the wind if you create a kite, pinwheel, or weathervane for them. As you’re making the crafts, you can ask your children: “When it’s a windy day can you see the wind? How can you tell there is wind? What does wind sound like? What does wind feel like?”

Walk Through Nature
Any outdoor activities for kids should include a walk through the woods or park. While strolling, encourage your youngster to use all their senses to experience spring. Smell the grass and flowers, listen to chirping birds. They can also feel the roughness or smoothness of various rocks.

While outside, you can also challenge your little ones to find objects of specific shapes, such as a sphere or cube. Do the same thing for various colors.
Get the kids to gather such items on the walk for creating art later. For example, they can press flowers or paint rocks or sticks.

Plant A Garden
Get your child intrigued by the natural world by demonstrating how a wee seed can grow into an actual plant. Simply use a container or two for an herb or other plant. If you really want to get into it, you and the kids can produce a garden that lures specific animals or insects such as birds and butterflies.

Go On A Wildlife Watch
For this, you and your child could make a bird feeder and go bird watching, or peer under a log or rock for crawling bugs. Try to find a spider weaving its web, or squirrels playing in leaves.

Look Up!
Not much tops the simplicity of lying on your back on some grass with your kid and watching clouds. It’s okay to be imaginatively silly as you consider what each cloud resembles to you.

Stargazing is about on par with cloud watching. Let your kid hang out late with you to stare up at the night sky and hunt for space phenomena such as the moon, planets, stars and constellations.

Eat Outside
With typically moderate temps and fewer buzzing bugs, spring is a great time for a picnic. Put together a simple spread of a few yummy sandwiches and snacks and set it out along with a blanket. It’s all delicious fun!

Grab The Camera
Get out in nature, where subject possibilities are endless, and take turns with the camera. Maybe this time you want to focus on, say, trees or flowers. Or, let your child photograph what strikes their fancy. Encourage them to create a photo journal from these excursions.

Erect A Beam
Spring is also a good time to erect a balance beam outside. Kids enjoy the challenge, and this is also an awesome gross motor activity.

Get Your Roll On
If you’ve had a snowy winter, you may want to wait until later in spring when the grass isn’t wet and soggy. Having said, what better fun than to simply roll down hills?

Now that you’re aware of these spring outdoor activities for kids, you and your young ones can make the most of this season!

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