There are times you will have to present the opinions of other people in a logical or general way. An interview essay requires going out to meet people in their homes or offices to get vital information or opinions about a specific subject. 


For those who are journalists, it is a walkover, but if you are a student, you need to understand the essential steps to writing an interview essay

1. Have a Purpose 

Every paper has direction and a purpose, which is the reason behind the article. Once you define your aim or goal for an interview essay, it makes it easier to choose the best method and features for the paper. 


If you are writing about a scientific discovery, you may have to book a meeting session with the right scientist. If your essay is about the use of a particular product, then questioning users at home will work better. The primary thing is to meet and interview the right person.

2. Make Adequate Preparations 

You can have a successful interview only when you fully understand the topic. This will help you prepare adequately and guide you in choosing the right questions. 


Therefore, study the subject, rehearse the questions, and understand the interviewee before arranging setting up an interview. If possible, read up past but related discussions to help you understand better.

3. Arrange for an Interview

The first thing is to contact your contact to discuss when and where to meet. Sometimes, you need to obtain their permission to take pictures or record the discussion.


 During the phone conversation, present yourself by telling who you are and why you need the interview. If the contact objects to some of your requests, try to respect their opinion. Always have a plan B in case the interview is not interested in the interview or unable to show up.

4. Get the Interview Done

Once you have made a successful arrangement with your contact, make sure you arrive at the venue on time. It is better to get there and wait for the interview than the interviewee waiting for hours.

 Go with your notes or recorder if permitted to help you remember important concepts. Be courteous while the interview is going on and avoid causing any interruptions. Show some gratitude at the end of the interview before you take your leave. 

5. Consult the Supervisor

There are specific instructions for any essay you want to write. Your supervisor should be able to guide you on the best format for the type of essay. 


If you do not have enough time, you may pay someone to write your essay with the help of experts from AdvancedWriters, for example. But discuss with the supervisor to know the required format. Interview essays can be written in the formal, informal, narrative, or question and answer style. Each style or format has its characteristics, so you should follow the guidelines carefully. 

6. Create an Outline

While styles may vary, most essays start with an introduction. The introduction section describes what you are writing about and the purpose of the interview essay. Get out the interview notes and study them carefully. 


Pick out essential parts of the interview and arrange each point in the order they will appear on paper. 

7. Form Your Thesis Statement

Depending on the approved writing style, your thesis statement is your opinions or stance regarding a topic or person. If your paper is to present the contact with your readers, you may have to share their background and qualifications in your thesis statement. If the purpose is to sample opinions, use the thesis statement section to state your strong views on the topic.

8. Write Body of Essay

Writing the body of the essay requires care, so you don’t write out of context. Make sure every sentence and paragraph contributes to explaining the thesis statement. 


Add the information from the interview, but make sure to remove unnecessary details. Not everything from the interview adds to the development of the body of the essay. 


9. Proofread 

Read the essay carefully to detect improper sentences and grammar. Revise and proofread your work until every sentence and paragraph sound relevant and connected. 


Check the interview notes and compare them with the write-up. If there is any wrong information, correct it immediately. 


10. Cite Sources

You don’t need to include specific sources of the interview. It is usually required that you reveal the source of your additional information at the end of the essay. Get the proper format from the supervisor and write according to instructions. 


The following tips will help you write an excellent interview essay. Always follow the right principles, and don’t hesitate to seek help if you get confused along the line. An interview essay is formal writing and will need you to pay attention to important details, so you pass the right information.


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