If you were thinking of visiting Chicago in style for an extended stay, or were coming in for business and were looking for somewhere to stay without the inconveniences of a hotel room, then going for a serviced apartment is the best choice. You’ll be able to enjoy all the comforts you have at home, with more privacy and freedom. But before you choose to go for a particular serviced apartment, you have to make sure that you ask the right questions so that you pick an apartment that will meet your needs and accommodate your lifestyle. Here are a few questions you should ask when choosing a serviced apartment in Chicago.

What Furniture will be Included?

You’d be surprised at the disparities between apartments as far as what is included. While some will be completely decked out, others will come with the bare minimum. That’s why you should have a clear rundown of every single thing that is included with the rent. You don’t want to find out at the last minute that you don’t have shower curtains or that you have to pay extra for light bulbs and lamps. Many shady providers will take advantage of unsuspecting clients and lead them to believe that everything they see in the pictures will be included, but you have to make sure that you can see in writing exactly what is included in every room before you sign anything.

What’s Your Policy Regarding Pets?

Not all providers will have a pet friendly policy, so don’t assume that they’ll accommodate yours. While some providers will have a strict policy as far as pets go, some will allow them or will have restrictions based on the number of pets, the weight or the type of pets you have.

Do I Have to Leave a Deposit for the Furniture?

You’ll usually have to leave a security deposit when renting a unit for one month or more. But in some cases, you might be required to leave a security deposit for your furniture as well. So, make sure that you know if you’ll have to budget for one, and if so, how much it’ll cost. A security deposit on furniture could significantly increase the amount of money you’ll have to pay upfront, so that’s a detail you can’t afford to overlook.

What About the Kitchen Amenities?

If you intend to cook during your stay, you have to ask what is included in the kitchen; you can’t just assume that the kitchen will have everything you need to cook right away. While some will come with everything from a stove, coffeemaker, microwave, cooking accessories, cutlery, and plates, others will only have a stove, fridge, and a microwave if you’re lucky.

Also, make sure that you know which type of cooking will be allowed in the apartment. While some will allow you to cook meals on the balcony with a portable grill, for instance, it will be strictly prohibited in other places.

How Does Parking Work?

Finding great parking spots in Chicago is no cakewalk as it’s such a busy city, so you’ll have to solve the parking situation if you intend on driving while you’re there. Ask about the parking options available. Many buildings won’t have dedicated parking spots, so you might need to find a parking lot nearby and pay the relevant charges. In some cases, the parking lot could be many blocks away, so you may consider other modes of transportation if driving becomes too much of a hassle.

It would also be wise to work with a furnished apartments provider that operates many serviced apartments in Chicago so you can choose a location that would be more convenient to you. Services like Blueground operate multiple units in the city, so you can browse their serviced apartments portfolio to find a location that suits you best. An added bonus is that the majority of their Chicago apartments have parking, so that’s one less thing that you’ll have to think about.

Are There Any Guest Restrictions?

That is something you’ll have to consider whether you’re traveling with a large family or group, or if you were intending to invite some guests while you’re there. While serviced apartments are a much better option for families and large parties, you can’t assume that you can invite as many people as you want. There might be restrictions on the number of children and adults, or even on the age of the children. This also goes for impromptu guests, like a business partner you’d like to invite for instance, so make sure that you know the rules to avoid extra fees or fines.

If you want to travel in style and have the best of both worlds between a hotel and your own apartment, there is no better way to go than a serviced apartment. Make sure that you ask these questions when browsing for properties so you’ll be able to find a spot where you’ll feel truly at home.

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