Summer is just around the corner but some of us have not yet figured out the beauty trends and how to work on their looks ahead of the long-awaited holidays. As always, plastic and cosmetic surgery are among the favorite options for pre-holiday treatments, but non-surgical options are quickly gaining momentum among younger, celebrity-savvy crowds.

This is particularly true if you are looking for risk-free operations and don’t have the time to make a trip over to London’s Harley Street and some of its most famous clinics.

Just in time before you hit the beach, here are some of the top beauty trends for Summer 2017.

Toned abs with Vaser Hi Def

By removing excess fat around the abs, Vaser Hi def lipo allows you to obtain a washboard effect with minimal effort. This trendy treatment works wonders when practiced by expert surgeons and applied to restricted parts of your ab area.

beauty trends

Vaser hi def is great for the summer season as it doesn’t have strong negative side-effects and it will help you boast very toned muscles without much effort. Remember though that minor swelling may occur during the first 6 weeks after treatment, so it needs to be planned a bit in advance before your holiday.

Beauty Trends in Leg shaping

This is a much more subtle version of liposuction, and it is the go-to treatment if you are looking at improving the overall look of your legs by focusing on selected areas. Thanks to the use of much smaller cannulas than traditional liposuction, leg shaping treatments are great if you would like to improve very specific parts of your legs.

Although local anesthetics are needed for this treatment, you will have very little or no downtime and will be able to carry on with the usual activities right after leaving the clinic. Needless to say, there are almost no risks associated and this is a very stress-free treatment starting £2,000.

If you have been to the beach before, you surely know that details make all the difference to achieve the perfect beach-ready body and leg shaping might just be the most effective way to improve those details.


During summer, it is just as important to be confident about your face. Dermal fillers can be a quick way to change some minor imperfections without having to go under the knife. A favorite of many younger social influencers and celebs, fillers are quite affordable – they start at around £150 – and it is common to overuse them. Since they were conceived for minor improvements, you should limit their use to specific sagging and wrinkly parts of your face to obtain a more plump and fresh effect.

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