10 Must-do things in St Tropez this Summer
Just so you won’t get lost at the wrong places our St Tropez House team in Saint Tropez have put together a great list of places-to-be when you are in Saint Tropez this summer-time. We are also putting together an off season Saint Tropez Guide. Also if you have any suggestions please use the comments below.
  1. Get choppered in to Saint Tropez by helicopter to avoid the traffic – helipad behind Kon Tiki – Route des Plages
  2. Have a luxury lunch at famous Club 55 on Pampelonne Beach Patch Ramatuelle before heading back to your yacht.
  3. Rent a beach bed (mattelas) with the celebs at Les Palmiers on Pampelonne Beach Ramatuelle
  4. Have a glass of french rosé for apéro and some little bites people watching atSenequier au Port
  5. Get dressed up for a club night at Les Caves du Roy in Les Places des Lices
  6. Have a party dinner at La Villa Romana in Saint Tropez
  7. Have a romantic dinner at villa in Gassin (the village perché) looking over the Golphe de Saint Tropez
  8. Have a beach party at Nikki Beach on Pampelonne Epi Beach
  9. Go to the Jazz Festival in Ramatuelle for your favorite music
  10. Walk to Cap Lardier from your villa in Gigaro Beach


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