In the last few years, the craze for solo traveling has been on an upward trend. Today, we will go over the beauty to traveling alone. Let’s get started!Just about everyone loves traveling, which is also among the most rapidly growing industries today. The interesting thing about traveling is that it always changes. A few decades ago, for instance, traveling alone seemed a farfetched idea. In the last few years, however, the craze for solo traveling has been on an upward trend.

Traveling solo has been compared to moving to a new place without having to find a trustworthy real estate company. You get the same kind of excitement of going to a new place as you would to move somewhere new. You get to meet new friends, experiencing new sights and sounds, all while creating new memories that last a lifetime.

Today, we will go over the beauty to traveling alone. Let’s get started!

In the last few years, the craze for solo traveling has been on an upward trend. Today, we will go over the beauty to traveling alone. Let’s get started!

The Five Beautiful Facts about Traveling Alone

  1. You’re Guaranteed to Enjoy the Trip

If you travel alone, particularly if you are at peace with yourself, the trip will be more serene, because there is no risk of the kind of disagreements that at times arise when you’re traveling with friends or family. When traveling with others, the promise of a beautiful day can easily be overshadowed by arguments about things that may later turn out to be completely irrelevant.

You are also guaranteed to enjoy the trip, because you are the one who has done all the planning where you stay and what to see on a budget that you’re comfortable with. You may have saved a portion of your money each paycheck for this vacation, or you could have even tried using online fundraising for this well needed vacation. You may be a thrifty person where it doesn’t bother you to stay at a hostel, where if you’re traveling with others, they may want to stay in a separate room.

  1. You Can Easily Make New Friends

When traveling with others, it’s easy to talk with one another, especially in a place where you can’t speak the local language. This does not only mean that you, and your friends have stories to share and laugh about; it also means that you don’t get the opportunity to know locals properly.

Conversely, traveling alone forces you to speak up and forge friendships with locals, as well as other travelers. If you stay at a hostel, this is a great place to forge new friendships and go see a tourist spot or grab a drink with a few new people. Furthermore, individuals traveling alone look more approachable compared to large groups; and hence, more people may come up to speak to you.

  1. It Gives You Confidence and Freedom

This is perhaps the best reason to travel alone. Traveling solo allows you to be confident and independent in ways you could never have imagined. With this new found confidence you still have to remember to be safe on travels.

If traveling makes you a better and smarter person, than traveling solo makes you more so. It’ll leave you feeling more empowered, with the capability of tackling anything that stands in your way.

  1. You Can Do Anything You Want

When traveling with a friend, you may have to forego doing that half-day at the spa, no matter how much you want it, just because you don’t want to leave your partner with nothing to do. Or you may be coerced to spending your hard earned money on a fancy hotel that uses high end kitchen faucets brands rather than a budget hotel you’d prefer. Conversely, when traveling by yourself, it’s up to you if you waste the whole day sitting outside with a cocktail by the pool instead of sightseeing, there will be no one to answer to.

  1. It Gives You the Opportunity to Learn Yourself

Besides facing all the challenges alone; you’ll also experience the good things alone. There’ll be no one to consult; and hence, you have to learn to trust your own instinct and to engage in internal dialogue. There’s no better way to know yourself really well than this.

With this experience, you’ll become a stronger, a more complete, and a more pleasant individual when you return from your trip. Think of how this will change how you think in your everyday life affecting future outcomes of your individualism.

In the last few years, the craze for solo traveling has been on an upward trend. Today, we will go over the beauty to traveling alone. Let’s get started!


Traveling alone may be a daunting experience, but it’s worth the effort. When one travels alone, a whole world of opportunities can open. An unaccompanied traveler has the gift of being able to concentrate on her travel needs instead of minding everyone else’s.

Have you decided where you would like to take a solo trip to? What would you like to do that might go against the grain of your friends that you’ve always wanted to try?


Author Bio:

Wendy Dessler

Title: Super-Connector at OutreachMama

Wendy is a super-connector with Towering SEO and OutreachMama who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. She frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses her efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.

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