A good memory is hinged on the vitality and health of your brain. Brain health impacts virtually every facet of a person’s life: students preparing for their final exams, professionals seeking mental alertness at work or senior citizens trying to preserve their memory as they age. The following are ways you can enhance your cognitive abilities irrespective of your age.



A common mistake people make is conflating the minimum hours of sleep you can tolerate with the number of hours required to function optimally. Research shows that the overwhelming majority of adults require between 7 and 9 hours of sleep to avoid sleep deprivation.

The negative effects include a deterioration in creativity, memory, critical thinking and problem-solving capacity. In addition, sleep is a critical factor in memory consolidation since significant amounts of memory-enhancing brain activities take place during the deepest phases of slumber.

For a quality sleep, develop a regular schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. Stick to this routine. Stay away from phones, tablets, computers and TVs at least one hour before bed; they suppress sleep-inducing hormones such as melatonin. Reduce or completely cut back on your caffeine intake.


Nootropics is a broad term describing a class of natural and manmade chemicals that provide benefits to brain health.


Nootropics is a broad term describing a class of natural and manmade chemicals that provide one or more cognitive benefits. For a substance to be classified as a nootropic, it usually demonstrates an ability to enhance memory, improve learning, ignite drive, raise productivity, increase brain resilience during adverse conditions, have minimal or no side effects, and be non-toxic.

There isn’t always a rigid adherence to this definition; a lot of chemicals termed as nootropics do not necessarily achieve all of these requirements. When people call a substance a nootropic, they are normally talking about cognitive enhancers and memory boosters.

Depending on the strictness of definition, nootropics may range from omega-3 fatty acids to drugs requiring prescription such as Modafinil. Corpina is a great resource for learning more about these chemicals and their responsible use.


Taking a vacation and experiencing a change of scenery can be good to brain health.


Taking a vacation and experiencing a change of scenery can be rejuvenating. It’s a major reason many companies aggressively ensure all employees take their days off each year. Science shows that travel has a positive impact on brain health and encourages a more optimistic outlook on life.

The new environment and experiences deliver a boost in creativity. As you immerse yourself in the attractions and local culture, you become more open-minded and appreciate that there is more than one way of doing the same thing. Travel strengthens emotional stability and relieves stress.



While several studies point to the negative social and health impacts of gambling, casinos actually have advantages for brain health when it comes to exercising the mind.


You are probably wondering how can casinos and better brain health be mentioned in the same breath. While several studies point to the negative social and health impacts of gambling, casinos actually have advantages when it comes to exercising the mind.

Card games have for instance been used by therapists to stimulate the cognitive abilities of persons with disabilities. They improve counting, matching, pattern identification and recall skills. Casino activities also provide an opportunity to sharpen strategy formulation, prediction of outcomes, probability and creativity.

The social aspect of the games cannot be ignored. Players must engage different social skills such as waiting their turn, obey laid down rules and respecting competitors. Casino deals websites such as CasinoCoupons are a helpful tool for finding free slot play offers, hotel discounts, show vouchers and free food credits.

A healthy mind takes deliberate effort. The brain has an uncanny ability to change and adapt when subjected to the right stimulation.


Written by DLX contributor Stephen M.W. Stephen is a super-connector with ManageBacklinks.io who helps businesses with building their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. He frequently writes about the latest advancements in the SaaS world and digital marketing.


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