Like it or not, weight gain can bring you immense opportunities. It motivates you to get stronger muscles and bones. It helps you grow smart and sharp. It gives you a confidence boost.

All this may sound strange, but they are achievable. Exercise gets you to shed pounds and when you do that it increases your potential to do things faster and better.

Despite such motivating factors to pursue health goals, there is a wide gap between active members of the gym and those who practice it. Gym membership market analysis done by Statistic Brain Research Institute shows that 67% of active gym members have never used their membership while those who go to the gym do it only twice a week.

Becoming healthy is a self-driven goal. With the number of lifestyle diseases growing by the day, you must go to the gym every day for an hour. Let us explore the benefits of doing a gym regularly.

  1. Energy levels increase:

Regular exercise not only makes the body active and agile; it also reduces fatigue as per a new analysis by the University of Georgia. That is why health professionals encourage and uphold the need to do regular exercise to prevent obesity, cardiac ailments and diabetes. Exercise expends your energy, but it also increases your energy levels.

  1. Cognitive abilities improve:

There are many ways to become smarter and sharper. Exercising your body is many times better to achieve faster learning. Studies show that low fitness and obesity can result in lower test scores in children. Fit children perform better in tests and academics. Something as simple as going for a walk can boost concentration level and brain activity.

  1. Muscles and bones become stronger:

Many people show a preference for cardio exercises. It is understandable for heart health to become our first preference but in old age, our bones and muscles can become a weak point. Put more emphasis on strength training as you cross mid-age to avoid the possibility of muscular degeneration.  

  1. Premenstrual symptoms reduce:

Women during their periods may not be eager to put on their workout attire for exercise. Studies done by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have shown that exercising may reduce the chances of Premenstrual symptoms such as mood swings and bloating. Exercise also helps fight clinical depression during menstrual cycles.

  1. Sleep quality improves:

According to a participant study done by the National Sleep Foundation, people sleep 65 per cent better if they fulfil 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a week. In doing so, the participants felt less sleepy during the day time compared to individuals who indulged in less physical activity. Exercise is not only good for the heart and brain but also for sleep quality.              

  1. Sexual pleasure sees a surge:


A workout makes one feel good and positive. It uplifts your mood and makes you feel good about yourself and your body. It opens up thinking and instincts. It also helps you meet physical pleasure. Watching your favourite teams play on the FUBO Channels , reading motivational work, and being in the right mindset encourages you to get active too. Research shows that strength training improves testosterone levels in men and women, which boosts sexual function. To reach a state of “high” with your partner, focus on exercises of the lower body and abs many times a week.


Exercise will always remain in trend, and research has a lot to contribute to it. You may use RAD 140 Canada, also known as testolone, that provides steroids muscle-building effects but with fewer side effects. It also increases bone density by targeting androgen receptors in the body. The ideal dosage is 30 milligrams/day. Check with your doctor before starting on RAD 140.     


Other Motivating Factors to Join a Gym:


There can be many other inspiring reasons to join a gym. Let us know about them:

  • Define the role of fitness for you: Money is important for survival. Health is many times more important. No matter how busy you may be, find out the gym exercise that can keep you mentally fit to take on the challenges in life.      
  • Enhance your knowledge of fitness: A DIY workout at home limits your scope of doing impactful exercises. By joining a gym, you gain from the fitness instructors and gym buddies on relevant tips of losing weight to remaining active.
  • Follow a diet plan: Building biceps may not be the only reason to join a gym. Health freaks find their urge of eating spicy and oily foods come down after being an active regular at the gym.      
  • Self-motivation for better health: Each year we make a new year resolution. Health is one of the many wishes we make. Do we fulfil them? By joining a gym, you can give shape to your commitment to become healthier by sticking to your workout plan.                  


Look at exercise as a daily habit and you will be healthier than your best friend or neighbour. Make use of your gym membership. It is a health investment in yourself that will enhance the longevity of your life. And you will never regret it!

The gym is a good place to socialize as well. Catch up with your buddies but let it not disturb your workout which is your foremost goal. Be polite to everyone you meet at the gym but keep your attention on working out.  

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